Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Came across these stunning hyper realistic oil paintings of semi-precious gems and minerals by Carly Waito, on Another Something & Company:

Amethyst VI / Specimens by Carly Waito

"Through curating minerals, photographing them in macroscopic detail and rendering them in oil paints, Waito employs a layered process highlighting the ties between mimesis and levels of value. From the seemingly limitless depths of Smoky Quartz to the chromatic, reflective facets of Sphalerite, the geometry and beauty of each painted specimen speaks to the incredible complexities of nature’s design as well as Waito’s own facility. Each painting expands the infinitesimal traits of the artist’s tiny subjects, rendering them as detailed maps of an otherwise invisible geological universe."

Sphalerite / Specimens by Carly Waito
Smokey Quartz VI / Specimens by Carly Waito

Carly has an exhibition of new oil paintings opening at the Toronto based gallery Narwhal Art Projects starting September 8, 2011

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